04/22/2022 Update:

It was recently discovered that the ballot mailed to voters in District 7/Imperial County contained a printing error, omitting the name of one of the candidates for the statewide office of Secretary-Treasurer.  The error only affected District 7; the ballots mailed to all other UDW districts were correct.

To remedy this error, we are mailing corrected ballots to all eligible voters in District 7/Imperial County. You have the opportunity to vote using the corrected ballot at this time.  We have also extended the deadline for voting.  All District 7 ballots must now be received by UDW no later than May 12th, 2022.  If you have already voted and choose to vote again using the corrected ballot, your first ballot will be invalidated.  If you have voted and do not submit a second ballot, the original ballot will be counted.

The ballots from all districts will be collected from the USPS office in San Diego and taken to the UDW headquarters to be counted by MK Elections on May 13th, 2022.

Should you have any questions or concerns please email ElectionCommittee@udw.org.


2/25/2022 Update: The list of nominations can be found here.


This notice is to inform you that nomination for the AFSCME Convention Delegates are now open. UDW delegates will be elected to represent UDW, Local 3930 at the AFSCME International Convention. The top 50 delegates receiving the most votes will be declared winners of the election. Delegate winners must be able to attend the convention in full for all days, including travel days, which begins on July 10th – July 14th. (Travel will be on July 9th and July 15th).

The top votes in each district will be declared winners. Districts 1, 2, and 3 each get 10 delegates while Districts 4, 5, 6 and 7 each get 5 delegates.

*You are not voting at this time. You are nominating member providers to be listed on the Official Ballot that will be sent out on or about March 24th, 2022.

This notice is to inform you that per the UDW Constitution, approved by home care provider delegates elected to the UDW Convention in August 2021, nominations for the following offices are now open.







*The chairperson elected by each district shall serve as a UDW Executive Board member by virtue of their election to their district office.
**The vice chairperson elected by each district shall serve as a UDW Executive Board member by virtue of their election to their district office. (District 1-3)


A. Principal Offices of President, Vice-President & Secretary-Treasurer: UDW Constitution, Article XI, Section 4

To be eligible for UDW office, a member must be in good standing for two (2) years immediately preceding the election and, if employed as a home care provider, must

have worked at least 40 hours per month for the three (3) months preceding the election; provided, however, that no retired member shall be a candidate for office.
• Paid dues monthly from January 1st, 2020 – Dec 31st , 2021
• Worked at least 40 hours per month for the three (3) months preceding the election.

B. District Officers and AFSCME Convention Delegate

To be eligible for District office and AFSCME Convention Delegate, a member must be a member in good-standing of UDW and the district in which the member seeks office for at least one (1) year immediately preceding the election. An eligible member shall be permitted to run for both a UDW and a district office in the same election.
• Paid dues monthly from January 1st, 2021 – December 31st, 2021
• Eligible members are permitted to run for both Principal and District Officer

No members may be a candidate for more than one local union office at the
same time. If a member is nominated for two or more offices in the same election, the member must decline all except one such nomination. If the member fails to indicate which office the member wishes to seek, the Election Committee should assume that the member is running for the first office for which that member was nominated and has declined all other nominations


• To be eligible to nominate for any of the offices listed above, you must be a union member who signed a membership authorization card prior to December 31st, 2021 and paid dues in the month of December 31st, 2021.
• All Nominations shall be made in writing using ONLY the form attached to this notice. • Nominations must be emailed, mailed or faxed to:

Email: ElectionCommittee@udw.org
Mail: Election Committee
4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115
Fax: 1-916-244-2688
No walk-in nominations will be accepted.

• Nomination forms must be received by fax, email or mail no later than Sunday, February 13th, 2022. All nominees will be notified in writing of their eligibility. All eligible nominees will be posted on the union’s website (www.udw.org) on Thursday, February 24th, 2022.

The following will be the required information on the nomination form:

Self-Nomination is permitted.

Any member may check his/her dues payment record. Dues inquiries must be in writing

and mailed to the Election Committee at 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115, faxed to 1- 916-244-2688 or call 1-619-814-3323.


A list of candidates nominated will be posted on the union’s website (www.udw.org) on Thursday, February 24th, 2022. Any member or nominee may challenge the eligibility of a nominee. Any challenges to the eligibility of a nominee should be submitted in writing to the Election Committee at 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115, faxed to 1-916-244-2688 or emailed to ElectionCommittee@udw.org.

• Eligibility challenges must be received by Sunday, March 6th, 2022. The decisions of the Election Committee concerning all eligibility challenges are final.

Nominees will be notified of any challenges as we receive them. Nominees may reply to any protest by Saturday, March 12th, 2022 in writing to: Election Committee at 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115, faxed to 1-916-244-2688 or emailed to ElectionCommittee@udw.org.


Candidates elected in the April 2022 officer election will be installed at the conclusion of the ballot count. All officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All Delegates have a term that concludes at the close of the AFSCME 2022 Convention.


Ballots will be mailed on or about Thursday, March 24th, 2022 to all eligible members in good- standing. All members who have signed a membership authorization card prior to Friday, December 31st, 2021 and paid dues in the month of December 2021, will be eligible to vote in this election. Ballots will be picked up from the post office located at 6401 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115 at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 and returned to 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115 for the tally. Each candidate is entitled to name one Official Observer who may be present at both the post office location as well as the tally location. No candidates will be allowed at the count and no candidate may serve as an observer.

Election results will be posted on the union’s website (www.udw.org) after the completion of the tally.

If you do not receive your ballot or are in need of a replacement ballot, please contact the Election Committee at ElectionCommittee@udw.org. The last day to receive such a request is at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 14th, 2022.


Any member in good standing may protest the conduct of the election for valid cause. All election protests should be filed with the Election Committee no later than, 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 4th, 2022, in writing and mailed directly to: Election Committee at 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115, faxed to 1-916-244-2688 or emailed to ElectionCommittee@udw.org. The decisions of the Election Committee concerning all eligibility challenges are final.


If no candidate for these positions receives a majority, there will be a run-off election for that office. Ballots for the run-off will be mailed on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 and tallied on Thursday, May 26th, 2022. Election information will be continuously posted on the union website at www.udw.org