International Workers’ Day in action
This past May Day, hundreds of us gathered at the State Capitol to advocate for the Future of Care and a more inclusive and compassionate approach to long-term care.
Child care providers lobby for the true cost of care
In April, we met with over 90 legislators to ask that they stand by us in securing a rate reform that pays family child care providers the true cost of care.
UDW providers lobby to protect against cuts to IHSS/Child Care
In June, just weeks before the state budget deadline, we met with legislative leaders to call on them to protect us and our clients by preventing harmful cuts to IHSS and child care programs.
UDW Convention
Elected member delegates gathered to amend our constitution and discuss resolutions that set the foundation for our union’s future.
Rally with Vice President Kamala Harris
In July, we joined Vice President Harris in Las Vegas to hear how we can continue to build stronger futures for caregivers and educators across the country!