Lawmakers are finalizing the state budget RIGHT NOW… call Gov. Newsom to make sure caregivers and clients have what we need.
IHSS providers are frontline heroes, working round-the-clock to provide quality care to our clients and keep them safe from COVID-19. But with an average hourly wage of $14.61 an hour, we can hardly make ends meet.
Each county’s Board of Supervisors decides our IHSS wages, so if they don’t care about the IHSS program, they’ll make it hard for us to bargain for better pay and benefits. This year, we’re asking the state to penalize those counties that won’t bargain with us in good faith.
The California State Legislators are meeting to create a state budget that determines how much will be spent on important programs like IHSS—and they have the power to enact this fiscal penalty on the counties. Now is the time to make sure they hear our voices! Now we need Gov. Newsom to agree to sign the budget that includes this 10% penalty.
We need you to call Gov. Newsom today!
Call 1-866-584-5792
Below is a sample of what you can say to make sure our message is heard:
- Hi Governor Newsom, my name is ________. I’m a UDW home care provider from _______ county.
- I’m asking you to keep the IHSS fiscal penalty at 10% to reach contracts in our most difficult counties. No county that negotiates in good faith will be impacted.
- The Legislature supports this proposal and we are frontline essential workers who deserve fair wages and benefits.
- Please sign the budget to include the 10% IHSS fiscal penalty. Thank you.
Thank you for making your voice heard – we are stronger together!