UDWA News Post

2023 Winter: Letter from UDW Statewide President, Editha Adams

In 2023, we’ll be working harder than ever to secure wages and benefits increases as we return to the bargaining table in 13 counties with expired IHSS contracts, and we need your help!

Dear Fellow UDW members,
Last year we worked together to advocate for legislation that protects and increases our rights as workers, secured the election and reelection of local and state leaders that support our work, and rejoiced at some of the first in-person membership meetings and celebrations we’d had in a very long time!
2022 also marked the beginning of IHSS bargaining efforts across the state, and our dedication and persistence paid off with higher wages and benefit increases in Santa Barbara, Imperial, and Tuolumne counties.
In 2023, we’ll be working harder than ever to secure wages and benefits increases as we return to the bargaining table in 13 counties with expired IHSS contracts, and we need your help!
We are counting on you to join your fellow UDW members at BOS meetings up and down the state to champion our stories and the impact of our work. It’s going to take all of us coming together to win the pay—and dignity—we deserve.

In solidarity,
Editha Adams
UDW Statewide President