Lori Christie: “Child care allowed a homeless mother to succeed against all odds”

Lori Christie | Imperial Beach, CA | Child care provider for 9 years

I remember a mother who brought her son to my daycare when he was six years old. The mom was a disabled veteran who was trying to finish school to provide a better life for her child. I found out they were homeless, which can be hard on anyone – especially a young child. I had to do something, so I allowed them to stay with my family while they got on their feet.

When her son was in my home, playing and learning, I was able to monitor his emotional wellbeing, and be there for him when he needed it. Now, he and his mom have their own home, and she’s working full-time. Child care allowed her to succeed against all odds, and her son remains the brilliant child he was when he first came through my doors.

I worry that family child care providers like me won’t be able to help families like this for much longer if we don’t fix our broken system.