November is Provider Appreciation Month, a time to thank the thousands of IHSS caregivers across our state who make home care possible for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.
We do some of the most important work there is, and yet we are among the lowest paid workers in the state. At UDW, we are caregivers supporting each other so we can earn higher wages, better benefits, and protect the IHSS program. We fight for ourselves and our clients. Together, we will create a future where caregivers are supported and everyone has the care they need. While we work toward that goal, let’s never forget how important the work we do is—and how special the people who do caregiving work are!
I hope to see you at one of the many Provider Appreciation Month celebrations I will be attending in November. Call your local office or visit to find a provider appreciation event near you.
Thank you for everything you do!