One of the most powerful ways UDW helps caregivers and child care providers is by giving us a voice at the California State Capitol. When the pandemic caused a $54 billion dollar shortfall, Governor Newsom put out a budget with a 7 percent cut to IHSS hours, and a 10 percent cut to child care subsidies. That’s unacceptable—so UDW members went into action and we stopped the cuts from happening!
We also fought for:
- AB 1993 “The Family Caregiver Economic Security Act” (Kamlager): Our sponsored bill would have extended unemployment insurance eligibility to parent and spouse IHSS providers. It passed the Senate and Assembly and UDW members made over 4,000 calls to the governor to get it passed—but he vetoed it.
- AB 2054, “The C.R.I.S.E.S. Act” (Kamlager): This co-sponsored bill would have taken steps toward finding community-based solutions to problems like mental health emergencies and domestic violence. It passed the Senate and Assembly but was vetoed by the governor.
- AB 2542, “California Racial Justice Act” (Kalra): This historic bill addresses racial discrimination in criminal sentencing and convictions. It passed the Senate and Assembly and was signed into law by the governor!
We have many legislative priorities for next year that will help home care and child care providers and our families. Stay in touch with your local UDW office to find out ways you can get involved.