2022 UDW Legislative Scorecard

Welcome to the 2022 issue of UDW’s annual legislative scorecard. This was a year of transition into a new normal and into a new era for the labor movement. Our union is more prepared than ever as we continue to fight for workers and families and we are excited for the bright future ahead.

UDW members proudly care for their communities’ seniors and people with disabilities and nurture the minds of our states’ children.

From before daybreak to past sundown, home care providers and family child care providers give the best quality care and early education they can provide.

Over decades, we have taken on fight after fight to defend and expand our rights as care workers and the rights of those we serve. This year, 88 California State Senators and Assemblymembers supported the invaluable work of UDW home care and family child care workers at every opportunity, paving the way towards a more prosperous future.

But it’s not just care workers who are making waves. This year thousands of workers up and down the state joined us in similar fights, and through their thousands of hours spent organizing, striking, and marching, sparked a new age of labor where workers’ rights are prioritized locally and statewide.

The long hours and hard work are paying off, and in 2022 we’ve seen an empowered workers’ movement fighting for and winning legislation that protects farmers’ right to unionize, promises pay transparency for all workers seeking employment, creates protections for workers during emergencies and natural disasters, improves pay and time off expansions while on family leave, and of course, a historic tax credit—spearheaded by UDW members—for working Californians who pay union dues.

Workers like us are more emboldened and empowered than ever before. UDW is excited to keep working with California lawmakers to continue improving pay, benefits and working conditions for home care workers and child care providers.

On behalf of the more than 165,000 home care and family child care providers represented by UDW, we thank the 88 of legislators who voted to protect care—and care providers—every time.

UDW Legislative Scorecard 2022 | Download