Alert! Anti-home care Freedom Foundation is coming to California

The Freedom Finfographic tanoundation, an anti-union and anti-home care organization based in Washington state, has announced its expansion into California. While the group says its goal is to educate home care providers about their rights, it is really an organization funded by billionaires who want to destroy the unions protecting workers, IHSS, and our clients.

In California, the Freedom Foundation is running television ads and encouraging home care providers to drop union membership. What they aren’t telling you is who is funding this effort, and what will happen to the IHSS program or our clients if our union goes away.

Get the FACTS about the Freedom Foundation:

  • It is an out-of-state, corporate-sponsored organization that is contacting home care providers and telling them to leave our union.
  • It won’t disclose its donors, but the Freedom Foundation is funded by billionaires who don’t support unions or workers rights.
  • The Freedom Foundation opposes raising the minimum wage, paid sick leave, and other benefits for workers.
  • The Freedom Foundation’s mission is to roll back OUR benefits, NOT to protect the rights of home care providers and clients.

You can find out more about Freedom Foundation, its secretive donors and its anti-worker policies here: