FREE tax prep & money back in your family’s pockets

The deadline to file our IRS tax returns is Tuesday, April 18th.

This tax season, don’t let filing your returns be a hassle – instead take advantage of ways to keep money in your pockets and get your hard earned money back.

If your household income was less than $54,000 in 2016, you can have your taxes filed for free. Go to to find a free tax prep location near you.

The California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) puts money back into the hands of the state’s lowest income families. Last year, approximately 385,000 families received nearly $200 million in CalEITC cash. Cash back can allow us to catch up on bills, open a savings account, or afford those car repairs we’ve been putting off.

Go to to find out if you qualify and for an estimate of your EITC amount.

Be sure to file your taxes and claim your cash back credits.