Federal changes could mean cuts to home care and our benefits
After months of fighting to protect IHSS from cuts, UDW caregivers celebrated in March when the Republican led Congress was unable to pass a health care repeal bill that would have made drastic cuts to the federal Medicaid program and IHSS.
To stop this effort, UDW caregivers made over 3,000 calls to Congress and attended town hall meetings across
the state. The failure of the health care repeal bill was a major victory, but we know Congress will try again — putting IHSS in serious danger. In addition, the Trump Administration could make changes to a federal rule that allows IHSS providers to earn overtime pay.
All of these threats are why it is important that IHSS providers continue to stand together as a union. We won’t give up on our loved ones and clients without a fight!
For more information about the challenges facing IHSS, go to our website: www.udw.org.