In 2016, UDW homecare providers are coming together to end the 7% cut to our clients’ hours for good. But that’s not all—we’re going to play a crucial part in electing lawmakers who will stand up for homecare, continue fighting for better wages and benefits across the state, and work to win respect and dignity for the homecare profession and our clients and loved ones. Find out how you can get involved by calling your local office today.
Looking back to look forward
2015 started off rough. In January, Governor Brown went back on his promise to pay IHSS providers for overtime, travel time, and medical accompaniment time. But this did not discourage us—in fact, we never quit fighting and our hard work paid off. Starting February 1st, IHSS providers will receive overtime pay for the first time in history!
In 2016, we are stronger than ever! At the start of last year, we were a union of about 67,000 IHSS providers. With the addition of new members including our CUHW sisters and brothers, we began the New Year 90,000 providers strong.

“Together we’re a powerful force to fight and accomplish what we need for homecare providers,” said Diana Sanchez, a UDW member in Imperial County.
Last year, when our elected leaders ended the 7% cut to IHSS recipients’ homecare hours for one year, we vowed to fight to endthe cut permanently. “I lobbied legislators in Sacramento, and I think winning the 7% restoration was our biggest accomplishment,” said Stanislaus County member Jessie Mendoza. “But there’s still a lot more to do. In 2016, I want to make sure my mom, who has dementia, has the strongest homecare program possible.”
Dignity can’t wait

This year, we’re heading to the Capitol to lobby lawmakers and put pressure on them to do the right thing for the people who need it most— seniors, and children and adults with disabilities.
“We have to tell lawmakers our stories and our clients’ stories,” said Cassandra Sambrano, a member from Riverside County. “We won’t back down until they understand that the 7% cut must be restored by any means necessary.”
Your voice matters
One way that homecare workers can effect change is by making sure we elect leaders who will fight for us and our clients. In 2016, we get to do just that.
Our vote is our voice and our power, so we are carefully vetting candidates in both local and statewide races. Recommendations will be made to each local UDW board and our executive board, so that members have a direct say in which candidates will best represent the needs of homecare workers, recipients, and our communities.

Forging ahead together
In 2016, UDW caregivers will continue our hard work in the nationwide Fight for $15, organizing family child care providers, winning better wages and benefits through county and state-level bargaining, and more.
We have a lot to look forward to and accomplish in 2016. “This is for my son,” said San Diego County member Violeta Cendana. “I am proud to be part of the union. We won overtime, and together we’ll win many more victories this year.”